KABELLINE is a contouring serum to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat on the face or body. KABELLINE provides a natural and sharp facial line by reducing redundant lipids or grease on the face or body.
KABELLINE is a homeopathic product, indicated as a co-helper for the treatment of obesity in all of its forms and manifestations as well for the most common dyslipidemias that tend to accompany the obesity problem.
- Cheaper than other products with the same effect
- Removes fat deposits without surgical interference (double chin, fat arms, belly, hip, and other problematic body parts)
- Has little to no side effects.
- After injecting the product, the lines of the body and face become chiseled and look natural.
- This safe formula completely dissolves normal fat cells, after which the water is naturally removed.
KABELLINE treatment is recommended six times for five weeks
4~8mL of the solution can be applied to a localized obesity area.
A single treatment consists of up to 50 applications of 0.2mL with 1cm intervals.
Up to 6 single treatments can be treated in about one week.